Double Or Nothing

Size: 473mL
Style: Double IPA
ABV: 8.8%
Released: 2022

As I.P.Agent Holly Hoppington surveys the floor, she realizes Fleming was right on the nose. The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. Far from ‘Royale’.

The man beside her at the blackjack table is Guy-Louis de Lager, a former I.P.Agent who sold agency secrets to the bottom-feeding Society to Terminate Ale, or S.T.A.L.E. This particular despicable double-dealer is in possession of a highly volatile compound called Phantasm that the IPAgency needs to supercharge the Ekuanot Incognito, Hallertau Blanc and Cryo M-20 hops in its new Double IPA and boost the bold and juicy notes of pineapple, citrus and gooseberries.

De Lager’s stack of chips is dwindling as fast as her patience. “Hit me,” he says.

Holly complies, striking him across the head with the butt of her pistol. He crumples to the carpet. She rifles through his pockets and finds the vial of Phantasm. “Well, de Lager, once again you see that like all good ales, we work from the top down, whereas you are cold and still.”

Holly winks at the dealer and flips a chip his way. “Cash me out. I’m ale done here.”

… to be concluded.